Love is an Open Door
Inspired by the work of Hilla and Bernd Becher, our assignment this week was to create a typology by shooting images of things that are the same, but different. These images are compiled into a grid and known often as a Becher grid, inspired by the Bechers, who created typologies of industrial equipment. I had trouble coming up with a subject for this task, but as soon as the idea of doors hit my brain I stuck with it. Doors and I have a unique history. I remember that, specifically in fifth grade, my go-to doodle was a door. I drew the same door, slightly open for some dimension, (not super well because I've never really been a drawing person) whenever I found empty space on a piece of paper. I'm not sure what inspired these drawings back then, but maybe we can thank them for my appreciation of doors today. There are so many types of doors out there. For this project I mostly stuck with single doors, with some exceptions, because I...