While I know type is important, I haven't had to pay too much attention to it in the past, so it's interesting to hear of the objective and subjective qualities that typefaces can have. I would have assumed legibility and readability were the same prior to reading this article. It makes sense now that a typeface could be legible by design, but placed and formatted in a way that gives it very low readability. This article definitely made me feel like I need to do some solid research on my typeface choices before making decisions in the future. Factors like design intent, aesthetics, and mood make sense, and are things that I think we more naturally think about, whether or not the best decisions are made. However, prior to reading this, anachronisms aren't something I thought about a ton, but I see why it's important to avoid them. Typeface isn't something that I've considered the history of much, but it makes sense that...