
Showing posts from March, 2023

Event Posters


Oscars Reading Response

     Benjamin Bannister's article about the typography mishap at the Oscars was very interesting and put what we're learning about in class in good context.      I had heard about that incident at the Oscars years ago, but never really looked into it. Reading about it now, it makes perfect sense that something like that happened with those card designs, and pretty funny that the Academy Awards don't have a better card design after so many years.      It crazy how unaware we can be of how our brain works, even though it works so nicely to pick out the important information on a page, card, etc. Turns out, designers have the hard job of organizing things to make it easy on our brains.     The Oscars is just one place where poor design can cause a major slip up. While that's a pretty big stage, announcing the wrong movie didn't get anyone killed. There are places where poor design could lead to much worse outcomes.    ...


CMY Squares  Text Hierarchy

Two Draft Magazine Covers


Layout idea sketches

Some ideas for my final zine project, and a very bare-bones sketch of what one layout could potentially be. This example would have six pages without counting the front and back covers.