The End of an Era
I can't believe it's here already. It feels like just last week I was wandering around campus, taking pictures of everything I walked past, thinking "could this be art?" I'm not sure that all of it really was, but I was trying really hard. I was excited to learn about visual literacy, because I had no idea what that even was, let alone how to use it. Since then, I definitely still have a lot to learn about the elements of art and how to use them well and what looks good and how things could look better. But, I've certainly come a long way in this area and understand way more then I did coming in. I've been able to learn skills like photo editing, illustrating with vector graphics, and audio production. I think the vector poster might have been the most time consuming assignment for me. I was excited to work with Adobe Illustrate for the first time, and wanted to take my time getting used to it. This involved watching a 3 hour long t...