Sandy Skoglund - Art can be Accessible

Being in art classes again has been a major change for me, especially when it comes to describing and interpreting work. One artist I recently discovered, has made it easy, fun, and meaningful. This artist is American photographer Sandy Skoglund. She does some very large-scale work, designing and creating interior room sets with extravagant colors, and surreal scenes. This is Revenge of the Goldfish, one of her most well-known pieces. I love her work because anyone can appreciate it, just out of the sheer impressiveness of what she is able to accomplish. She shoots these photos with an 8x10 camera an everything you see, the color, the contrast, the shadows, was done in-camera. Looking at this without assigning any deeper meaning to it is still an incredible visual experience and will certainly elicit some emotional response. She uses complementary colors that vibrate with each other, and the fluidity of the clay fish makes it feel like this room is actually underwater....